Critical Items for an Event Planner’s Emergency Kit

Critical Items for an Event Planner’s Emergency Kit

Did you know that in the month leading up to an event 42% of event planners work 15 to 20 hours per day? As such, event planning professionals must have an event planning checklist.

Every event planner anticipates having something go wrong. They’re used to it. So, they prepare by having key items in an emergency kit that they bring to the event.

Not sure what to include?  Here are 10 critical items to keep in your event kit.

Emergency Kit Items for Events

1. Scissors

How many times have you been caught needing a sharp object to open something? Keep scissors in your kit to cut away the stress of an emergency.

Scissors will be useful from set-up to take-down of an event. They are an essential part of the event planner emergency kit.

2. Tape

Bring tape and lots of it. The tape in your kit may be critical from fixing broken equipment or holding up the welcome poster.

Consider bringing different types of tape, like packing and duct, for different emergency scenarios. Remember, there’s nothing that a little duct tape can’t fix!

3. Spare Chargers and Batteries

Consider bringing a spare phone and always have a laptop charger in your emergency kit. You should also consider purchasing a fast charger for your phone that can give you extra juice extra fast.

If you have tech equipment at your event that need batteries, be sure to bring spares. It doesn’t hurt to keep extra AAA and AA batteries in your emergency kit at all times.

4. First-Aid Kit

Accidents happen and accidents often lead to injuries. Save the day by bringing band-aids, pain relievers, and other essential medical items to help out someone in need on the day of the big event.

5. Rubber bands

If you think rubber bands aren’t essential, think again. Rubber bands can be helpful from the sign-in table to the event giveaway. And, they can can be makeshift into hair ties, keep doors open, and much more!

6. Permanent Markers

There can never be enough permanent markers at an event. From extra nametags to temporary signs, a permanent marker will be essential. They also always seem to disappear, so make sure to bring a lot of extras.

7. Mobile Printer

A mobile printer may seem like a stretch; however, this piece of technology can be put to good use at events. You can use a printer to print extra nametags, collateral, or contracts.

The right mobile printer is lightweight and compact enough to fit into a laptop bag. This is the perfect backup item to keep in your event emergency kit.

8. Mini Toolbox

If your event requires any type of set-up or break down, bring a toolbox. A mini toolbox with a screwdriver, hammer, and wrench will save the day. An event planner never knows when a podium will need to be fixed or a table’s screw needs to be tightened.

9. Emergency Snacks

Have you ever been hangry? If you have, then you know the importance of emergency snacks. Always keep a granola bar or trail mix on hand to stave off starvation.

10. Elbow Grease

All event planners know that almost anything is possible with a little bit of elbow grease. Always bring your A-game and positive attitude to an event.

Is Your Event Emergency Kit Ready?

You don’t want to be the event planner that isn’t prepared. So now that you know what to put into your emergency kit, it’s time to put one together.

Need anything else? We rent iPads, laptops, VR headsets, printers and more. Any tech gear you need for your event, we have it!  Contact us to reserve your event rentals and services.