Did you know that 44% of today’s workforce checks their mobile devices 20+ times per day – exclusively for work? And that 90% believe the use of mobile technology was instrumental in getting their job?
While it may seem annoying at times to see workers with their phone and tablet always within reach, it is time for business leaders to look at the positive impact staying that connected lends to them.
If Wi-Fi access, iPad or iPhone rentals, the right apps and cloud computing rental are part and parcel to your business strategy, your team can:
- Access and collaborate on work-related documents, no matter where they are or what device they use
- Track and follow up on referrals in a timely basis
- Interview and screen applicants virtually and
- Even make sales presentations to remote parts of the world
Below are three mobile technology benefits that can enhance your business.
Training Made Easy
Whether it is welcoming new employees through onboarding or training your sales staff on a new product, mobile technology reduces paper and allows participants to refer to the material whenever they need to.
No more manuals to carry around, relying on memory or notes – through the use of mobile devices, all the material can be loaded onto the device or apps and referred to on a regular basis.
Real-time Communication
With mobile devices there is instant communication. The team can give you feedback on a meeting, progress on a project or alert your organization to a crisis situation.
Overall Productivity Increase
43% of workers see mobile device use as very critical to getting their jobs done and 37% use five or more applications for work.
40% of those polled* save 1-2 hours of work per week using mobile devices because of information access, responsiveness and freedom to work from anywhere, while 29% percent said mobile access shaves 3-4 hours of work off their week.
Hartford Technology Rental Has Many Mobile Options
Is your organization ready to move forward with mobile, but wants to rent the technology for the foreseeable future? Give us a call today at 888-520-5667 or request a quote online and one of our experienced sales representatives will get right back with you.
*Source: Wrike, 2016 Mobile Productivity Report